Our latest Warm & Fuzzy project involves making upwards of 1000 fleece scarves that will be distributed at our local food bank. We have also been making flannel blankets that will be sent to Mission Central in Mechanicsburg, PA to be used in their birthing kits.
One of our newest and most meaningful outreach projects is the Backpack Program. This was begun in the 2016/2017 school year and benefits local students in our elementary and middle schools. We started with 34 elementary students who signed up to receive a backpack filled with food and snack items to be taken home and utilized over the weekends. This year the program has expanded to include the middle school and at the most recent packing we filled bags with food to benefit 173 students. We meet twice monthly to fill enough bags with food and snacks for two weekends. For the month of November we will have filled approximately 692 bags.
Saturday, October 28th, was our very successful indoor/outdoor Yard Sale. We pray that this annual community outreach project was a blessing to all who participated in any way. The items are never priced as we let those who shop pay only what they feel they are able to afford by way of a donation. This is a small way that we can reach out to help those in our community.
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