December 3, 2020
I am so sorry to announce that the Bishop sent out an email indicating that he and the cabinet do not want us to have in person worship services or meetings for the rest of the year. This, of course, means that First United Methodist Church and Phelps Chapel United Methodist Church will not only be cancelling our normal Sunday morning in person services, but our Christmas Eve services as well. We will also be cancelling our Wednesday Morning and Thursday evening Bible Studies We will be continuing our 9:00 AM on-line service. We will also have our Christmas Eve Service on-line at 7:00 PM. I am saddened that we will not be meeting in person during this Advent and Christmas season. We will continue to work to make our online services as meaningful as possible. I would welcome any input that you may have. Please be assured that Sharon and I will keep you in our prayers, and please remember that I am only a phone call away.
In Christ’s Service
Pastor Larry Siikanen
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