From the Pastor’s Desk
Greetings to everyone in the midst of this difficult and frustrating time. In a few short months our world has been turned upside down and inside out. We have gone from the freedom to do anything and go anywhere to being restricted in where we go and what we do. We have had to learn to do things in a new way. Some of this has been difficult and some has been really difficult. Some things have not changed and some things have actually been improved. My dog is much happier. My being home more has given him more freedom. Eventually most things will settle back into a more normal feel, and we will regain our old freedom.
Let us not forget what we have learned in these times of hardship and change. I think that we have a better understanding of what is really important in our lives. We have learned that we can learn new things and new ways of doing things. We have learned that no matter what the hardship or change, God does not change. The way we worship may change, but the God we worship does not change. The way we communicate may change but the communication is still important and maybe may become even more important.
I have come to really look forward to communication with certain people. I talk to my son more often than I used to, and up until last week spent much more time with Sharon. She is back to work now, so we are back to the more normal. I have also had a daily phone call with a friend. He is a pastor that I have known for 30 years and we have always been friends and at times have lived close to each other. We have always made time to play golf a couple of times a year, but during this time our phone calls have been a lifeline for both of us. I hope you have been able to find this kind of connection during these difficult times.
We have missed getting together as the church in person, but we have joined together on the internet. I have to admit, for me, it is not the same. On the positive side of this though, is that we have been able to reach many more people for our Sunday worship services than we have before, and I thank God for this opportunity.
I am planning on starting services again in person on the last Sunday in May. This would be May 31. This is also Pentecost Sunday, the day that we think of as the birthday of the church. So I think that this is a fitting day for us to come together. We will get you more details in the near future so that you can make plans.
Continue to reach out to one another and pray for one another and may God Bless you.
Pastor Larry