If Phelps Chapel had a motto it would be “The Church with Heart”. We definitely have a heart for mission and outreach. We are blessed to have a congregation that is very willing to help in any way they can.
Some of our ongoing mission and outreach projects are the Backpack program, Warm & Fuzzy and the Church has left the Building. We also support Mission Central http://missioncentral.org which is the mission warehouse affiliate of the Susquehanna Conference of the United Methodist Church, both monetarily and by volunteering our time at the warehouse. We support Arlene Brown and her mission “Hope Made Real” http://www.hopemadereal.org in Rwanda.
We have monthly collections of food and personal items for a local food bank. We sponsor Blood Drives quarterly at our church. We have an annual Yard Sale where no items are priced, it is by donation only. We have held festivals to benefit fire victims.
Another way we reach out to our community is with Vacation Bible School.
God has truly blessed our church with giving hearts.
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